About Us

NOSA is a group that binds together all former students of Nabumali High School. Established in the early fifties, the association brings together former and current students, teachers and administrive staff of the school as well as well-wishers for the common good of the school.  Nabumali High School is a government aided secondary school that was established in 1912 under the Church of Uganda, offering both O and A level certificates to students. The school is located on the foothills of Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda about 12km from the nearest town of Mbale.  Being away from the hustle and bustle of town life provides both the students and teachers the correct environment for meaningful study leading to good academic performance.


Being a member of NOSA makes you part of a powerful global network of the Alumnae of Nabumali High School.


It’s through your selflessness that NOSA has been able to accomplish all major projects that have been undertaken.


To aid and promote contact with Nabumali High School and to advance the interests of Nabumali High School.

Word from NOSA President

Gallant Nabumalians! A very Happy New Year 2022 from NOSA Executive Committee! We are honored to serve such a blessed fraternity with many generations of alumni of our alma mater the great Nabumali High School. Our pledge is to deliver transformative service to attract a vibrant alumni association that strives for excellence of our Alma mater Nabumali High School and for your best interest, our NOSA member.

We start the New Year in high gear, with a NOSA Connect plan through strategic activities like the first ever NOSA SportsFest planned for March 27, 2022, don’t you dare miss it! We, Nabumalians have never lost our wings, we are proud to kick off the first lot of 12 students under our Bursary Scheme at Nabumali High School, this avows to our NOSA Creed, together we profess working to improve the standard of our School. We shall strive to luminate our NOSA Care spirit, when one deserves a cheer, has a tear to forget or a life moment to share. We have hit the road running and our efforts will yield us desired results if we continue to pursue our goals diligently. Read More

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